Gallium oxide Ga 2 O 3

Gallium oxide is an ultra-wide bandgap semiconductor with a large bandgap (4.8 eV), high critical breakdown field strength (8MV/cm), conduction characteristics almost 10 times that of silicon carbide, and material growth costs lower than The third-generation semiconductor has received more and more attention and research interest in the fields of ultraviolet light communication and high-frequency power devices. 

Product Description

Gallium oxide is an ultra-wide bandgap semiconductor with a large bandgap (4.8 eV), high critical breakdown field strength (8MV/cm), conduction characteristics almost 10 times that of silicon carbide, and material growth costs lower than The third-generation semiconductor has received more and more attention and research interest in the fields of ultraviolet light communication and high-frequency power devices. In the future, gallium oxide is very likely to become the leader in high-power and high-voltage applications.

main feature

It is a direct wide-bandgap semiconductor material with a large breakdown electric field, and it is easy to obtain large-sized crystals .

Typical application

Laser devices, accelerator and radar systems, sensors, image sensors for visualization, antennas, filters and on-chip circuits.

In addition, it is widely used in optical technology - it can be used to make deformable mirrors, BK7 lenses, video lens controllers and high-performance imaging systems.

Product parameters

Lattice constanta=12.23Å, b=3.04Å, c=5.80Å, ß=103.7°
crystal direction<100>,<010>
Moh's hardness9 (mohs)
density5.88 (g/cm 3   )
melting point1725°C
dopingSi , Fe
Conductivityn-type , semi-insulating
dislocation density<1×10 5 cm -2
reference edge[010] Direction
crystal plane deviation<±1°
sizeD 50.8 mm±0.3 mm , or customized
thickness0.65 mm ± 0.02 mm
polishingRa < 1nm
PackageClass 100 packaging bag
